
Corpus of shorter Latin
texts from medieval Bohemia

Státní oblastní archiv Třeboň, Rukopisy Třeboň, A4, ff. 268v - 269r

An initial O letter.
An initial O letter.

About the Project

Opuscula are "small works" or "trifles." This database includes a selection of short texts from late medieval Bohemia, such as proverbs, riddles, exempla, verses, dream interpretations, or guides on how to find treasure. All of them passed through the hands of perhaps the most diligent Czech scribe, Kříž of Telč (1434–1504). They are supplemented with a Czech (and sometimes also English) translation and an image from the manuscript. Visitors will become acquainted with the diversity of short textual forms in the Middle Ages and the often striking character of late medieval scribal culture – with the errors, ambiguities, and contradictions that accompanied transcription.

The database is partially based on the publications:

  • Lucie Doležalová a Magda Králová, eds. Opuscula. Neznámá dílka z rukopisů Kříže z Telče. Praha: Scriptorium, 2022.
  • Lucie Doležalová a Michal Dragoun, eds. Kříž z Telče (1434-1504): písař, sběratel a autor. Praha: Scriptorium 2020.
  • Michal Dragoun, Adéla Ebersonová a Lucie Doležalová. Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanovníků v Třeboni a Borovanech. I. Rukopisy a inkunábule, II. Rukopisy Kříže z Telče, III. Rejstříky. Praha: Scriptorium, 2021.

People Involved

  • Berenika Bendováeditor, translator, TEI P5
  • Lucie Doležalováproject manager
  • Michal Dragouneditor, translator
  • Ondřej Fúsikeditor, translator
  • Veronika HlaváčkováTEI P5
  • Jakub Kozákeditor, translator, TEI P5
  • Karel Pacovskýeditor, translator, TEI P5
  • Martin Ročekdesigner, programmer
  • Pavel Třískaeditor, translator, TEI P5
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